Monday, March 30, 2009

What are my Happy Lifestyle Goals?

From my previous posts, I was trying to illustrate a point. By looking at your life, and all things that effect it--such as media-- you can really start to see that outside influences alter how you think and feel. If you think about it some more a lot of these influences are also trying to take control of your life from you and that is a sad thought for sure.

I compare a lot of my life to being a leaf or dust in the wind-being blown around from situation to situation but not having a solid plan on what I really wanted my life to be and how I saw it going over the short and long term. But, I have been working to change that to make my life what I want it to be-not what society says it should be or the media if portraying how I should think or feel. Doesn't a life that you have thought through and designed sound much more happy than one where societal winds have blown you around.

To start this, GOALS have to be set. We set goals all the time at work, have deadlines to hit, projects to complete, why not have good solid life goals--leading to a lifestyle of your own design. But it is not only the setting of the goals that are important but also being realistic in a time frame for achieving them.

All this begs the question: What are my goals. So my goals for achieving a Happy Life (with a Happy Lifestyle being the ultimate goal):
  1. Financial Freedom or Debt Free
  2. A on-line/digital career allowing me to work from anywhere
  3. Freedom to Travel
  4. Time for family and friends first
  5. A life of learning and experiences
  6. If its not fun..I am not doing it
Of course a lot of these goals are complex...but achievable. The other thing to remember about goals..they are not written in stone and evolve over time. So think about your life, think about what you feel can make you happy over the next month, 6 months, 1 year 5 years. Really think how you what your life to be. Start setting the goals. Over the next few posts, I will discuss taking these goals and fitting them into your life's design.

But the next post will be one on a concept that will help you achieve your goals..Where Thought Goes, Energy Follows.....

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