Thursday, April 9, 2009

Debt Free..Is it possible?

I had mentioned that my first goal is financial freedom and to be debt free. Is this possible? That is a tough question. I feel it is and my wife and I have been shrinking our debt for the past few years. So I know for a fact that it can be brought under control and eventually eliminated. There is a lot of work involved--more than work but thought processes that need to be changed in order to even start the process of being debt free which is the first phase of getting your financial freedom.

There are a few things to understand about debt before you can start figuring out how to shrink and eliminate it.
  1. You Did not get into debt over night- That is right, the situation you are in NOW took quite some time to get into. Do not set the expectation that you can fix it quickly. It takes discipline and habit change in order to start getting rid of your debt
  2. Want vs. Need-This is a big one, when you go to pull out your credit/debit card or hand over some of your hard earned cash- think is what you are buying something you need or something you want? If it is a WANT out it back, do not spend the money. If it is a need make sure you really need it before the purchase.
  3. Where does all the money go? You need a solid understanding of where every penny that comes into your household goes. Once you understand it--you can examine the leakage and start plugging holes in your financial world.
  4. Come up with a plan- Once you understand where it all goes, you can start to CONTROL your spending and find the extra $$ to start paying down your debt.
  5. And Finally--move to a cash only system. If you do not have the cash-do not buy until you do.
Wow, that seems like a lot to take in. But if you look at it in small steps, you can start the process, change your habits and move forward on understanding your financial world, controlling your spending habits, and eventually get into a debt free situation.

In the next post we will examine Want VS Need and some ways to control your spending....

Friday, April 3, 2009

Where thought goes...Energy follows...

Ok, I promise not to get all mystical on you. But there is one concept that needs to get put into the mix before we can continue to examine goals and setting goals for a Happy Lifestyle and designing that life. The concept is Where thought goes-Energy follows. My wife says this all the time and at first I thought she was a nut. But this makes a bunch of sense. Do you ever have one of those great days--everything goes right--you are in a good mood--and it seems to be infectious--almost catching. There are never any BAD thoughts during those days. And, even better, when people with the negative thoughts enter into the picture it is easy to brush those thoughts aside and continue with your happy day. The basis about this is that those HAPPY and GOOD thoughts are spreading through your mind and allowing POSITIVE energy or thought to dominate your life. On the flip side, on a very negative day, NEGATIVE energy or thought is what dominates your mind, causing those BAD days.

What does this have to do with a happy life and designing a Happy Lifestyle. I would say everything. In order to design your life and have it work, you have to focus your thoughts- belief that your life can be what you want, positive thought that anything is possible, happy thoughts, a true knowing that what you are doing is best--all these thoughts have to dominate your mind. This will allow your thought/energy to stay in the positive allowing your plan to dominate your thinking.

Think Positive and good things will happen. Where thought goes, energy follows. Your Focus Determines your reality.

Keep it positive. Think of all the Happy things you will accomplish by planning a life that you want. Focusing on this, getting your family and friends to believe in it, keeping everything in the positive and great happy things will happen in your life.

Have a Great and Happy day. :)